I'm Published in Woman's Day Magazine!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Ornament from Fusioned Family on Etsy

When I was 11, my dream job was to write for Woman's Day magazine. Maybe that's a strange career aspiration for a tween, but I've long loved print magazines - the way they feel in my hands, the way they help me escape from reality, the ideas they give me & the products they introduce... hey, that's probably why I majored in magazine journalism in college.

I'm probably past the days of believing that I'll ever work for a magazine, particularly as I no longer have any desire to live in new York City, where most of them are headquartered. One big difference between age 11 & age 31? Somewhere along the way, someone invented the Internet, which means I can submit my writing for publication from all the way over here in Cleveland. Sure, it may not end up in the glossy, shiny print edition - but seeing my own name in a byline still gives me (& 11-year-old me) a pretty big rush.

All this to say that on Friday afternoon, I was published on Woman's Day's website, writing about my longstanding love of Christmas & my first interfaith holiday celebration with my lapsed-Catholic boyfriend. I hope you'll check it out!

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PS: While we're on the topic of December holidays, I was also published today on the United Church of Christ's New Sacred Blog, talking about the times when "Merry Christmas" does & doesn't offend me. Thanks to their editor, my friend Marchae, for helping me work a Facebook rant into a coherent personal essay!

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