Diner Dreams & the Lap(top) of Luxury

Monday, February 8, 2010

Because the federal government was closed today - & because approx 10% of buses are running, & because Metro is working but with 40-minute waits - my bosses declared a snow day late last night. If the feds ain't workin', ain't nobody workin', right?

Wrong! Our snow day came with one caveat - we all had to work from home!

OK, so it's never gonna be like it was in elementary school. Here in 2010, where adulthood reigns supreme, snow days are still work days - but that doesn't mean I have to wear pants while I work, or turn off yesterday's DVRed "What Not to Wear" marathon in the background.

Circa 3pm, though, cabin fever (#8 on yesterday's list) set in. Hard. I packed up my Mac, set out for my beloved Open City (a walkably accessible three blocks away) & pulled up a barstool. One grilled cheese & two chai lattes later, I'd completed plenty of work &, more importantly, lifted my hermitic spirits considerably.

There's nothing more relaxing than working in a coffee shop. It's not something I have the opportunity to do often (because, you know, that's what my office is for), but when I get to, I'm in love. I would like nothing more than to eventually score some writing gig that will allow me to become a regular at some Starbucks or diner, pounding away at my little keyboard day after day while sustaining myself on lattes & fruit salad & the soup of the day. Today, sitting amongst other diner-working Washingtonians, I felt like part of an elite club of free-spirited, tech-savvy folks with the luxury of relaxing & working hard at the same time.

Thanks, snow day.
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