Because I did not imbibe as much as many of my blogging buds did (I consumed enough, though - many thanks to the kind coworker who gave me a sober & free ride home!), I did not opt to declare that #pbandtunakilled me, as others did, the day after the party. While I did wake up a little headachey come Sunday, I was very much alive & well.
All of a sudden, though... I'm still alive, though considerably less well.
Maybe #pbandtunareallydidkillme! It seems some sort of mystery post-party virus has taken the blogosphere by storm - & I don't mean the kind that worms its way into your computers. I mean the kind that keeps you home from work with a sore throat, runny nose, fever & chills. I might even be talking swine flu, folks. Who can say for certain?!
The tweets tell all, & these comprise but a meager a sampling:

I should be clear: I only have a sore throat, & it only developed circa 5 p.m. Weak? Maybe, especially when Pithy Comments starts announcing that she's contracted the Black Lung. But I was already extra wary because my roommate's been laid up for something fluey for a few days now; I was already afraid of catching his bug, & the dinnertime sore throat set off my concern. Subsequently seeing that my weekend party crew is feeling similarly sick got me into a real hypochondriac-style tizzy, so being the vigilant future-Jewish-mother that I am (not soon, people, breathe easy!), I rushed to CVS, where I purchased both Nyquil & Dayquil, & I bummed a cough drop off my less-ill-than-before roommate. Tomorrow I shall stock up on the orange juice & Airbone I forgot in tonight's race toward wellness.

Get well soon, party people.
It would be hilarious if I found some NIH study that says this year's flu is only transmittable by "being scandalous".
Save yourself the money on the Airborne... it does nothing. In fact, the indvidual/company behind it is being sued over it. Unless, along with being a self-proclaimed hypochondriac, you also believe in the placebo effect. In which case, I have some magic pills to sell you that I've been cooking up in the lab... :)
ReplyDeleteLemon plus honey with hot water and add some rum or whiskey with it. Every night before you go to bed. SO good for a sore throat!
ReplyDeleteHope you feel better!
I'm going to take Marie's advice and drink whiskey every day before going to bed. And for lunch, just for good measure.
ReplyDeleteOh hold me...I am sick too. As is Alexa. I wonder who the outbreak monkey was...
ReplyDeleteI had a scratchy throat Sunday evening, but I really didn't go down the tubes until about 1:30 in the afternoon yesterday. I figured it was just because I was in a really boring meeting, then someone told me I was looking kind of deathish. Feeling it, too.
ReplyDeleteMmmm. OJ.
I hope everyone feels better soon.
Can I chalk my hangover up to this and take a sick day?
ReplyDeleteOh no! Pretty soon I'll be getting emails from my hospital employer about the pbandtuna flu. It will take the nation by storm. And whereas you'll all be famous, everyone will hate you.
ReplyDeleteI just now have a sore throat setting in. It kind of sucks and I am chalking it up to exhaustion.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry everyone is sick! I had it a few weeks ago... maybe I'm the catalyst? Oopsies!
ReplyDeleteIt was really nice to meet you!
Bleeeergh...I've been feeling reasonably ok during the day and then I get home and throat is scratchy and I want my mommy, why isn't she making me soup already???
ReplyDeletei am PETRIFIED that i am still going to come down with the pbtuna plague. DO NOT WANT! but i do hope you feel better :-)
ReplyDeleteDid everyone share a drink out of one of the giant goblets? I just can't figure out what everyone did because I'm not sick (yet).
ReplyDeleteAnd now that I've put "I'm not sick" in writing yet again, I'm guaranteed to have TB or something by Friday.
This is happens when you put 20 drunk bloggers in the same confined space. Well that, or a massive orgy that people can follow on Twitter.
ReplyDeleteI think I may have caught it through your blog post since I wasn't feeling well either on Monday. ;)
ReplyDeleteI hope you feel better soon. The cure is lots of emergen-c. That shit is magic.