Plus, lately I've been trying to scale back some of my true crime pods, for the sake of my mental health. I still tune in sometimes, but aside from the two on this list, I don't typically go the true crime route as much these days.
Here are some of the podcasts I've been loving lately.
1. Rich Text
Gotta be honest: I don't know what Substack is or how it works. Can I still call this a podcast? (Great start to this list.) I listen to it in my podcast app, soooo... anyway, my favorite Bachelor podcasters started this one when they were laid off from HuffPo.
They now have another Bachelor pod, but they call this one "a space for the indulgent & the incisive, for witty &wistful explorations of the cultural, the personal, & the political." If that sounds vague,m it's because it is. They talk about whatever they feel like, & it's always interesting.
Yes, it took me forever to come around to this very famous podcast that has been around forever, but now that I've finally gotten onboard, I'm never getting off. It makes me laugh out loud, & I can't get enough.
Actors Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, & Jason Mantzoukas recap one terrible movie a week. Sometimes they're terribly good, & sometimes they're terribly bad, but their commentary is always absolutely hilarious. (You don't need ti watch the movies to love it.)
Linguist & bestselling author Amanda Montell is joined by comedian Isa Medina for this pod about "the modern-day cults we all follow," from Greek life to SoulCycle to The Bachelor. I also love when they go deeper & cultier, like discussing the cult of multi-level marketing schemes.
Truth be told, this one started out better than it's become. Now that it's weekly, the episodes feel more slapdash, & the hosts don't seem to be putting in the same amount of work. They've gotten more than a little annoying for me (they all feel so very Gen Z now), but the first season was great.
This is my longtime favorite podcast, the basic bitch of podcasts, & it remains as wonderful as ever. I know a lot of people have fallen off the MFM train, but I personally feel that it's somehow only gotten better with time.
You probably know its deal: Hosts Georgia Hardstark & Karen Kilgariff host a true crime comedy podcast in which they tell truly terrible stories but also somehow keep things funny? If you've never listened, that sounds horrible. It is, but also it's not.
5. Ringer Dish
This podcast gives me my pop culture fix & keeps me in touch with the youths, orrrr something. Weirdly, it's sort of broken down into mini categories of smaller podcasts within the main podcast; my favorite is Tea Time, in which three younger-end-of-millennial hosts talk celeb news, fashion trends, social media weirdness, etc.
They also do a bit called "Cringe Mode," in which they recap, break down, & laugh about one kinda-bad-but-usually-beloved movies, like She's the Man & Hocus Pocus. It cracks me up every week.
Apparently this podcast is extremely famous? I just found out about it. Hosts Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus are Emmy-nominated Netflix stars & bestselling authors whose show is dedicated to helping people live meaningfully with less.
I first heard them on another podcast talking about their views on being minimalists — namely that you don't have to live like an ascetic to call yourself one. Listening inspired me to do a huge closet purge & is influencing the way I think before I buy.
If you love Law & Order: SVU & true crime, this is the podcast for you. Hosts Kara Klenk & Liza Treyger recap an episode of the show & discuss the true crime it's based on. They end by interviewing someone involved with the show, from actors to writers, which lightens things up a little bit.
Both hosts are stand-up comics, so while the show covers serious & disturbing topics, they still manage to make it a delight to listen to.
8. Chutzpod!
I don't listen to this podcast often, but I enjoy it when I do. It's hosted by Rabbi Shira Stutman famed West Wing actor & Joshua Malina, who talk about each week's Torah portion in terms of modern, everyday life.
They call it a podcast "for people of all or no faiths...trying to live a meaningful life during these trying times." That sums it up, though you'll probably appreciate it more if you identify as Jewish in some way.
I'm not a big movie person, but I can't get enough of this Ringer podcast about movies that are, well, extremely rewatchable. On each episode, an amalgamation of Ringer staffers breaks down an iconic film, from Mean Girls to Rocky to E.T. & beyond.
It's funny, accurate, & incredibly endearing, like watching your favorite movie with a peanut gallery of people much funnier & much more insightful than you (or than me, at least).
I mostly listen to the Friday Fix episodes of this podcast, which are short & helpful, covering issues related to mental health. Hosted by Amy Morin, LCSW, editor of Verywell Health, it doesn't typically cover deep mental illness so much as everyday mental wellness.
Topics include decision fatigue, impostor syndrome, gaslighting, embarrassment, & more. They're a nice quick hit of helpful brain food, but not too heavy.
And finally...
I don't talk much about my day job much on social media, but this feels like a good time to tell you that I co-host the Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials podcast. Some of my recent topics include intuitive eating, spring allergies, back pain, & coping with a toxic work environment, to name a few. If you're so inclined, I'd love for you to check us out & give us a listen.
What podcasts do you love? I'm always looking to add to my repertoire, especially during The Bachelor's rare off seasons!
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