I recently complained to Mike, "I don't make anything! I have no creative output! What are my hobbies?!" Fine, I might've been a few drinks in - but my point stands. I don't do that much.
My friend Erin, pictured second from right above, makes a lot of things. She knits sweaters. She recently gave me a bag of homemade marshmallows. She has a little home garden. And she's an artist. "I want to be more like Erin!" I told Mike. "I need to find things to make!"
Conveniently, that week, Erin invited a few friends to an air plant wreath-making class at Lakewood Plant Company. I was enthusiastically on board, happily shelling out the $50 even in the midst of my "modified no-spend month" because this counts as "activities with friends."
On Sunday afternoon, we met up at Lakewood Plant Company, which had closed to the public for the day. What a cool spot! It's bursting at the seams with plants, such that the inside feels a bit like a botanical garden or a very small patch of jungle. (Note: I have since learned of some troubling allegations against the owner, but we didn't know any of this at the time.)
There were about 15 people in the class, & while an employee was there to guide us, there wasn't much introduction or instruction. It was just sort of, like... show up & make stuff, & ask questions along the way if you have them. That worked nicely for me, as I'm not a big fan of slow, instructional, guided DIY.
We picked our brass hoops & got to work designing our wreaths, each of us using the same materials but in very different ways. It was cool to see how we each interpreted such an open-ended activity, the same elements coming together to create vastly differing final creations.
I started with long grasses & a double branch of eucalyptus, then built the rest of my wreath from there. I don't love colors (or, more accurately, I don't trust myself with colors), so I shied away from anything flowery & instead stuck largely to the green-and-white palette, though I added a few light pink mini-cattails at the end.
Overall effect: chaotic good.

If you're ever at my apartment, though, please don't inspect my wreath too closely, as you'll quickly discover that it's rife with visible floral wire where I wrapped air plants & other flora to the hoop - but from afar, I think it looks pretty darn good. I have it hung high for this very reason, & also so that my cats can't eat it.
Now that I've gotten a taste of actually creating something, I'm eager for more, especially if I can do it with friends & if someone else provides me with the materials & the workspace. (Yes, I'm a fickle hobbyist.)
So! Next up, I'm looking into a jewelry-making class at Oceanne & maybe some sort of cooking class? A paint-&-sip? I don't know. I'm down for something. I'm just ready to make stuff.
Whatcha makin'? What are your hobbies? Any suggestions for local classes?
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