Turning 35: A Birthday Wishlist

Friday, June 28, 2019

If you've been reading for long, you might know that I love to do wishlists for birthdays & the winter holidays - not because I expect to get anything, but because I don't think enough adults create wishlists anymore, ya know. And it's fun. Indulgent. Frivolous. And sort of recaptures some of that childlike excitement that used to come with turning another year older. 

I'll be turning 35 in August, & that feels pretty weird, I've got to be honest. I had a total life crisis when I turned 25 because I felt so close to 30 - & now, here I am, a decade late, chuggin' along toward 40. Damn.

So, uh, let's not think about the mortality of it all. Instead, let's think about all the presents I'd buy for myself if I were a rich (wo)man. Cue Tevye.

1. A gravity blanket

Like I need anything to help me sleep better, I know - but I love the feeling of falling asleep under heavy blankets. Currently, I sleep beneath two comforters & a heavy, handmade Peruvian yard blanket that's gorgeous but not exactly comfy-cozy. I love the weight of it but not the feeling of the fabric... so I want to upgrade to the real deal.

2. Wizarding World Loot Crate

Mike & I inherited a beautiful curio cabinet from his late grandmother... & I quite desperately want to fill it with Harry Potter-related tchotchkes, especially as I'm so close to finishing my first-ever full-series reread & am more in love with J.K. Rowling's magical world than ever before (if that's even possible). The bimonthly HP-themed Loot Crate subscription box seems like so much fun - & the perfect way to display all my HP love.

3. A home planetarium

When I was a kid, one of my most cherished possessions was a home planetarium that had changeable night sky lenses with scientifically accurate night skies to match each night of the year. I was obsessed with it, & I always slept best when the "stars" were shining brightly on my ceiling. Unfortunately, it was lost over the years - & shockingly, I can't find a version online today that seems to measure up to that '90s iteration. This is my greatest wish.

4. Rothy's Solid Black Loafers

I have spent too much money on my Rothy's already & cannot justify spending any more right now, but if I could, I would want to buy their solid black loafers, which seem ideal for summer. The flats don't look great with shorts, in my opinion, but the loafers do. By the time I get around to buying them, though, it'll probably be fall!

5. A Donald Trump impeachment

Need I say more? This would make for the happiest birthday indeed.

What's on your current wishlist, whether your birthday's coming up or not?

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