6 Small Goals for December

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Just like everyone else, I'm stunned that it's already December. Is this what adulthood is like? The year just zoom on by? Cue the Amy Grant.

As we head into the final month of the year, here's how I did on my November goals:
  1. Relax. Honestly? I did a decent job of this but not well enough to cross it off the list. I had a few crazy weeks of work, & even on vacation, I was stressed out & uptight. I didn't schedule the massage I'd hoped for (it's next week), & I stayed up late working on more than a few last-minute deadlines. How am I so bad at relaxing?
  2. Finish my holiday shopping. Yesss, I nailed this one, & I'm so proud of myself! You can read about it in this post. The only thing I haven't done yet is to put together my gift for Mike's aunt & uncle, a basket of local foods, but you can only put that together so early, you know? Holiday shopping soooo close to done!
  3. Cook more. I didn't do a great job of this, but I would say I accomplished it. I started making tostadas with gallo pinto, although Mike made the gallo pinto; I baked pumpkin banana bread & made no-bake peanut butter energy bites. And even when I wasn't cooking, I was making, if that makes sense. I had lettuce wraps for lunch, tortellini for dinner, etc. etc. Lots more eating at home than usual.
  4. Do the laundry in a more timely fashion. Accomplished, for the most part. I think I only had to re-do one or two loads of accidentally-left-overnight laundry all month long. 
  5. Go to 10 Harness Cycle classes. Nope. During those busy first two weeks of the month, I I ended up canceling two classes at the last minute, & I was out of town for a full week. I only made it to a total of seven classes in November.
  6. Consume less sugar. Total fail. I forgot that I even set this goal. I did, however, eat significantly healthier this month than usual. 
OK, OK, so this was my worst month in a long time, when it comes to achieving the goals I'd set for myself. Here are some much more achievable (I hope) goals for the month of December:
  1. Get an oil change. Dude, I neeeeeeeed to take better care of my car. I have not been getting regular oil changes, & that needs to change, like, now.
  2. Starting using the Calm app. On Black Friday, I paid for a discounted, year-long subscription to Calm, a meditation & sleep app. I haven't used it much in the past, but I'd like to get in the habit of using it regularly - or at least exploring its options. 
  3. Complete my sleep study. It's here, it's here! OK, it's almost here: My 24-hour (!) sleep study has been rescheduled twice & is finally happening this Sunday. I'm dreading the sorting out of health insurance mess that comes with it, but I can't wait to get answers about my sleep disorder(s). 
  4. Get (or at least schedule) a haircut. It's been almost a year since I last got my hair cut, & man, I look bedraggled. I don't really have a go-to stylist, so it seems like a pain to figure this out, but it's probably more of a pain to look as gross as I do.
  5. Search for a new therapist. I won't get into this except to say: It's time. It's apparently, like, borderline impossible to find a therapist, but I've got to try. Cleveland friends: Any recs?
  6. Successfully host Christmas dinner. In the past, Mike's family has done Christmas at his grandmother's house. Sadly, she passed away last weekend, & we have offered to step up & take on the Christmas celebration. It will be so hard without her here - but I hope we can do justice to the holiday in her absence.
What are you December goals? Do you set new year's resolutions, & if so, are you planning them already? I think I may just stick with the small, monthly goals in 2019... 

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