We're two days away from Election Day, & if I'm telling you the truth, I've been kept awake at night with my worry about what will happen on Tuesday. I've tried to do my part - donating, phone banking, talking to friends who are undecided or third-party - but I still lie awake at night wondering how the chips will fall & who will become our next president.
Two weeks ago, it was my honor to take advantage of Ohio's opportunity for early voting & to cast my ballot for Hillary Clinton to become the next president of the Unites States. I know I won't tell you anything you've not already heard or read, but I'd like to take a moment to explain why I voted the way I did & why Hillary Clinton is the candidate for me.
- Her opponent is bananas. Let's get the obvious out of the way: I could write an entire list of reasons I'm not with the villainous, hateful Donald Trump, but let's keep this list upbeat, shall we? He will get just one bullet point here, noting that he is, in literally almost every single way aside from being a human being running for president, the exact opposite of Hillary Clinton. I do not agree with his policies (or lack thereof), his temperament, his views, or even his taste in reality TV.
- She's a woman. I would never vote for a candidate simply because she is a woman & I am a woman who is for the advancement of women. But the fact that, in this case, the smartest & most qualified candidate is, in fact, a woman, makes me beyond proud to cast my vote for Hillary Clinton, our first ladyprez.
- She's the most qualified. Hillary Clinton is indeed the smartest & most qualified candidate for president. She has a law degree from Yale & significant experience advocating for women & children. After her time as First Lady, she went on to serve as a senator & was secretary of state for four years, arguably one of the next most difficult jobs in the U.S., aside from, you know, being president. The idea that she has to defend her qualifications against a repeatedly bankrupt billionaire reality TV star is laughable at best & misogynistic at worst.
- She has extensive foreign policy experience. And as a reminder: Her opponent has none. Having served as Secretary of State, Clinton is committed to preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, holding China accountable, standing up to Russia, supporting Israel's right to defend itself, & fostering a positive relationship with Cuba. She has a proven history of negitiation, relationship-building, & fighting terrorism.
- She knows taxes are vital. Look, I don't like paying taxes. Nobody likes paying taxes. But I believe that we are all responsible for one another, & that in paying taxes to fund social services, we raise one another up & look out for the poorest & most vulnerable in our communities. Hillary Clinton believes in making sure the wealthy, Wall Street, & corporations pay their fair share - while her opponent brags about avoiding his.
- She's committed to gun violence prevention. Every day in the U.S., 90 people die from gun violence. Hillary Clinton has a record of advocating for commonsense approaches to reduce gun violence, including supporting legislation to end the gun show loophole & enforce stricter background checks. She has the endorsement of key anti-gun organizations, including the Brady Campaign & Everytown for Gun Safety - & the NRA hates her.
- She's pro-woman. Hillary is fighting to close the wage gap & to promote paid family leave policies. She's proudly pro-Planned Parenthood & supports a woman's right to choose what happens to her own body. She's fought against sex trafficking domestically & abroad.
- She cares about social issues - & the people behind them. Hillary Clinton knows our country's struggle with race is far from finished, & she's committed to reforming our criminal justice system & protecting the right to vote. She's pro-disability rights, promising to fulfill the promise of the ADA & to continue to expand opportunities for people with disabilities. She believes LGBT Americans deserve to live free of discrimination & supports passage of legislation that would make it illegal to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
- She supports compassionate immigration reform. Hillary Clinton believes in humane immigration laws that respects immigrant as human beings, supporting comprehensive immigration reform with pathways to full & equal citizenship. Her opponent wants to card Muslims & build a wall between the U.S. & Mexico, for starters.
- The Supreme Court is serious business. We've been without nine Supreme Court justices now for the longest stretch in American history, all because our Senate refuses to hold hearing on President Obama's nominee. They say it's up to the next president - & if you believe in progressive values & justice like I do, we simply can't afford for that president to be anyone but Hillary Clinton.
Want to know more about Hillary Clinton on the issues? Stop reading articles posted to Facebook & start reading her position statements in her campaign's own words. This is what Hillary Clinton stands for.
This is up to us, America. Let's do it right.
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