Things That Are Super Not OK

Friday, March 1, 2013

Just a few moments ago, from my iPhone (which is why I can't figure out how to better place the photo) while on a road trip (I'm not driving, fear not), I sent this email to the people at Solid Gold Bomb, a company that saw fit to produce & sell this shirt & a number of similar ones on Amazon UK.

I'm sure a few people will comment saying there are bigger world problems to worry about, & hey, I'm worried about those, too. But I think it's important to speak out when things are not OK, & this is one of those things that's really, really easy to speak out about. If you want to do so, I encourage you to send an email to expressing your concern slash disgust.

Hi, Solid Gold Bomb folks,

I know you're hearing from a great many people about your variety of "Keep Calm & Rape..." shirts being sold by Amazon UK, & I'd like to add my voice to the mix. As you're surely aware, sexual violence affects million of women worldwide. In the United States alone, one in three women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape, totaling more than 17.7 million. And it's not just women: One in 33 men is the victim of sexual violence.

Your shirts, likely intended to be light-hearted & funny, trivialize a heinous crime that traumatizes victims & ruins lives. I very much hope you'll pull these offensive shirts from the market & cease production & sales of them, as well as issuing a public apology that indicates that your company understands the severity & impact of this "joke." Going forward, I hope Solid Gold Bomb will pay close attention to how its statements may be received by the public & act with more forethought & compassion.

Thank you for your time & consideration.

Kate B.

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