Indeed, the New York Times reports,
It is the peculiar fate of the New Jersey driver, as indelible as a shoreside weekend or a Bruce Springsteen composition, if less easily romanticized.I've only sort of learned how to drive in New Jersey. If passage of this proposal will help future displaced non-Jerseyans survive on the mean streets of the Garden State, count me in. Are you listening, Governor Christie? NO MORE JUGHANDLES! NO MORE JUGHANDLES!
For when the denizens of Mr. Springsteen’s “Born to Run” take their hemi-powered drones for a scream down the boulevard, one detail is perhaps omitted: If ever those renegade drivers resolved to make a left turn, they probably suffered the indignity of taking a right-hand loop first.The loop is called a jughandle, a traffic formation that looks as it sounds: an unintuitive veer to the far right when you want to turn left.While other states have been known to use jughandles, none seems to have matched New Jersey in volume or reputation.After more than a half-century, though, the jughandle — so intertwined with the Garden State that it is also called a “Jersey left” — faces a threat. On Monday, a proposal to ban future jughandles cleared the State Senate’s transportation committee, allowing for a full vote and prompting a zealous debate over the state’s signature driving quirk.
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