Without further ado...
This is my new favorite word.

While wandering through the sleepy town of Tiberias on a night off, a few of my new friends & I encountered this year-round haunted-house-slash-horror-cinema. I have a lot of questions about why that exists, period, but more importantly, what is 7D? That's more real than real life!

Even the religious appreciate pop culture & have a sense of humor! Nevermind that their references are a few months dated. But, like, Man on a Ledge is playing in Israeli theaters right now, so I'll give them a pass. (No pun intended...)

This fancy little piece of crushed-skeleton artwork, which is not at all morbid, is just hanging out at the front of a lovely little cafe in the quaint city of Tzfat. It's quite reminiscent of that crushed-Muggle fountain statue in the Deathly Hallows Part I, no? MAGIC IS MIGHT!

Is there anything creepier than a good old-fashioned doll museum? I say no - except for good old-fashioned doll museums advertised upon rusted signs from the 1970s.

Sometimes things get lost in translation, yanno? Just please don't wet on the mosaic.

A picture of a person taking a picture of a person taking a picture of a girl taking a picture. Most meta! (Love me some well-done urban art.)

A number of common brands sold in the U.S. are also sold in Israel, but with slightly different tastes & sometimes, slightly different names. Diet Coke, for example, is a little bit less carbonated, & Doritos taste a little bit more like tortilla chips. But this gum, which tastes just like its American cousin, threw me for a loop. Is it for professionals? Is it made professionally? Tell me more, Orbit.

I'll have the Pleasure Salad, please - with a little bit of extra pleasure, if you don't mind?

*The worst part? This guy was America. For shame, buddy.
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