Ever the overachiever, I bought my ticket to Blog Better Boston the very day they went on sale, & I tweeted the word to, um, everyone, convincing some friends to join in the fun alongside me. Imagine, then, my flattery & astonishment when Alana & Amy asked me to serve on a panel for beginning bloggers attending the conference! I happily accepted, & I've spent approximately 50% of my time since then obsessing over the event, which is coming up on March 24th.
The resumes of other speakers & panelists for the event absolutely blow me away - the Senior Editor of RealSimple.com, a mommy blogger with 7k+ Twitter followers, big-name brand enthusiasts, forward-thinking entrepreneurs, & presidents & founders of amazing companies. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit intimidated. OK, a lot intimidated - but I know I bring something unique to the table. I'm not a professional social media person - just the voice of an everyday girl who identifies as a writer above all else, occupying one little corner of the Internet. I may not have corporate sponsorships or hundreds of comments per post, but I've built a nice readership for this here blog (thank you!), & in the four & a half (!!!) years I've been doing it, I like to think I've figured out the ropes. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am to help others do the same.
Tickets are only on sale through March 5th, which is next Monday, so if you want to join us, you have to hurry. With apologies for my delay in relaying this information to all of you, I really hope some of you in the Boston area (& anyone willing to travel!) will be able to attend Blog Better Boston & learn to, well, blog bettah, as we say up here in New England. It's gonna be wicked ah-some!*
(Oh, God, did I really just say that? Who am I? Good thing I'm going back to the Midwest this weekend for an identity check.)
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