I Don't Even Know What This Means

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Boston, explain yourself.


  1. a suitcase full of beer?!? dang, that must be awesome. haha

  2. Whatever, Boston is awesome and you know it! We just have cooler ways to carry our beer than most people.

  3. HYSTERICAL. I'd love to know the answer to that too ;) I still hate that I can't get beer in the grocery stores in Mass and RI. So annoying! Happy almost Wednesday! xoxo {av}

  4. A suitcase = a case??? Hysterical!

  5. hahaha! Like a chilled pack so they stay cold while in transport? That's really funny. My boyfriend is sitting next to me and just said, "What does that say?!"

  6. You mean I've been carrying my beer in a backpack like a sucker? Time to class it up and get a beer suitcase.

  7. Yeah, but see that Springtime Blue Moon in the background? Mmmm. Might need a suitcase for that.

  8. I only saw that one time around here in NEOhio and was confused. Guy at counter was like - 24 pack lady.. Haha I totally forgot about even hearing or seeing it before.

  9. Insane and awesome all in one. I'm now imagining streets full of people walking around with their beer suitcases. :p

  10. The question is can I check that suitcase while I'm travelling? Hmm...

  11. at least where i work a suitcase means a 24pack of beer (since it looks like a suitcase). i'm guessing maybe they keep them in the back or some place where they have to get them for you? maybe because they take up too much room in the regular coolers?
    uber weird

  12. Wait - the beer has luggage? Or is willing to travel for work? Or is about to head out on vacation? Or is already packed for your vacation? I don't know what that means either.


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