Joke's On Lady Gaga

Monday, February 14, 2011

My college friend Aman Ali is one of the funniest dudes I know - or knew, I guess, because it's been awhile since we've been in touch. Such is post-collegiate life, I suppose. Anyway, he's really funny. So funny, in fact, that he travels the country - nay, the world - both solo & with his comedy group, the Muslim Funnymentalists (yes, they went there). He tells people jokes, & they, like, pay him for it. I never had to pay him to tell me jokes; in fact, I was often sitting next to him in the college newsroom, begging him to stop telling me jokes so I could get my work done. Or something. Yeah, I just made myself sound a lot more serious & goal-oriented than I am.

Anyway, I saw this bit on Aman's Facebook today & wanted to share it with you, mostly because it made me LOL & also because I was proud of myself for having thought basically the same thing when I first heard these Gaga lyrics. Does this make me funny? Yes? Cool.

"Lady Gaga in her new song says it doesn't matter if you're 'black, white or beige.' Ummm, I'm pretty sure it does matter if you're beige. I'm not trying to holler at a girl who can only be described with colors in a Crayola crayon box. That's the same reason why I wouldn't mess with cerulean or periwinkle girls."
The new Gaga song is a blatant ripoff of Madonna's "Express Yourself," but that's a story for another day. I expect better of a woman who wears a meat dress & shows up to awards shows inside an eggshell.


  1. Sorry, but how could anyone take her seriously as a musician with all the hype she created about herself wearing those ridiculous outfits? I don't get it.

    Your friend is pretty funny, though :)

  2. Agreed. Miss Gaga is a little bit... well, too much like Madonna. I thought so after the Alejandro song. That's just me! :)

  3. Alejandro reminded me of Ace of Base, but I felt like it was an homage. This new song is a blatant rip off for real.

  4. I am so not a fan of Lady Gaga! I think her music is OK (some of it), but she's just too weird for me and all her crazy get-ups just totally turn me off. An eggshell? Seriously?!

  5. As much as I agree about the song taking a lot from Madonna, I have to applaud Gaga for writing (for the most part) her own music and actually performing that music when people are paying to see her. That's becoming a very rare thing in the popular music culture, and it's nice to see someone actually doing that. She's also not part of the obsession with 12 year olds who can match pitch (or be autotuned to appear that way). But that's a soapbox of a different coloratura.

  6. I find myself wanting to sing the lyrics to Express Yourself. This said from a huge Lady Gaga fan.

  7. Is it gross if I quote myself? Too bad, I'm going to do it anyway:

    "Gaga's new single is the worst thing I've heard since my Grandma's heart monitor stopped beeping. Just kidding, I wasn't there when she died."

    On the plus side though, it really makes me realize what an awesome song Express Yourself is.

  8. No way, I think Alejandro was way more of a straight-up rip off than this new song is. There's an awesome mashup out there of almost every Ace of Base song and Alejandro and ALL THE SONGS WORK.

  9. Yep, I don't like Gaga either. That entire song is poop, but that's for giving me another valid reason for thinking so. :)

  10. I still like her but only because her music is good for running. It's all about the beat! :)

  11. Aw, I want to be your friend's friend. He sounds hilarious.

    When I think of beige I think of khaki pants not people.

  12. I like Gaga in general...she's great to listen to in the gym and fun to dance to. BUT! Born This Way is terrible. I don't even claim to hate it but secretly like it. I just straight-up hate it.

  13. LOL!! your friend is hilarious!! it is weird she calls people beige hahahaa!!!

  14. Totally agree that Alejandro was super ace of base. All I could think when I saw Gaga at the performing at grammys was, "Is this actually express yourself?" I was seriously confused for a quick minute. Love her, but that's bad news.

  15. To this I say: Amen.

  16. Lol. Thanks for sharing this with us! And Muslim Funnymentalists is a great name for a comedy group!


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