The Case for a Kindle

Friday, September 17, 2010

An overview of unemployment: I've applied for about 10 jobs this week, so I'm taking a Friday break before Yom Kippur is upon us. And some break it is: I'm packing for The Big Move, which deserves capital letters, while watching "The Departed" in an effort to knock off all the Best Picture films of the past 20 years (part of my 101 in 1001 List). It's almost 2pm, but I'm still wearing flannel pants - no excuses - & eating leftover pizza & sneezing up a storm because packing is an allergen.

I started by packing up my books, playing a little game of Tetris to get them to fit nicely inside the boxes I filched from my apartment's receiving room. I successfully fit all but three of my books into the biggest of the boxes, which now weighs as much as a small horse. Carefully hoisting it off of my bed, I turned to carry it into our spare bedroom; ten seconds into the process, the result is this:

Dear Amazon: Don't tell my librarian mother, but I think I'm the poster child for needing a Kindle. What say you?


  1. No. Don't DOOOOO IITTTTTT! Books have souls! I mean it. And I'm the queen of moving books. They go in little boxes. Always in little boxes. Towels go in big boxes.

  2. Oh dear. Yes, books always in the small boxes. I was given a Sony Reader for my birthday because my dad felt I was carrying around too many books. I've used it a few times but I still read regular books. I like to hold them in my hand. I do think it's useful though.

  3. Nooo! Don't get a Kindle! Okay, maybe you should. But don't get rid of your books! Don't you love to see them all stacked in a line on the bookcase?

    Oh. That's just me? Hmm. Knevermind. :)

  4. Dearest Kate, get a Nook. Love, Chavi

    EDIT: I say this, but, you know, I still have my normal books because there's a whole day during the week I can't use my nook. So I'm equal opportunity :)


    My back is killing me from carrying a box of books for a garage sale to my car last night ... but I still say: KINDLES = DEVIL. You can't smell them. Or flip through their pages.

  6. ha! I once gave away my entire book collection to the local library before moving to Philly. I totally regret that because there's nothing I love more than to have a big ol' bookshelf in my apartment! Kindle's are a great idea, but there's something about holding a book that makes me feel all literary ;)

  7. Agreed ;) I love books, but I recently got a Kindle and can't imagine life without it now.

  8. Harry Potter.... sigh. I knew I loved you for a reason.

  9. Jewish Dimensions of Social Justice...sigh. I knew I loved you for a reason.

  10. I hate, hate, HATE packing books. I always want to make big and heavy boxes out of them because I have so many but then things like the above happen and I'm forced to put them in little boxes which just seem like such a waste.

    Oh, and I really love getting a sneak of your bookshelf - even if it's on a big pile on the floor.

  11. Haha, yeah, I learned never to pack more than a file box worth of books. Otherwise, disaster!

  12. I LOVE looking at other people's bookshelves. :)


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