Baby Got Back

Monday, July 19, 2010

Kids wear the darndest things:

I'm glad my friends think to text me when they bear witness to teenage fashion crises verging on the wildly inappropriate.


  1. And this is why more schools are moving to uniforms today.

  2. We often say to each other "Did they look in the mirror and say 'Yeah, THAT looks good.'?!"

  3. Haha I wish you had a pic.

  4. jesus - i'm picturing it and I would've taken the picture. sometimes you just can't help yourself.

  5. OMG, that sounds like a miserable flying experience for that girl! Love that your friends send you such fun texts. Adorable blog, I'm a new follwer! :)

  6. Airports are so the best place to be judgmental. I thought I had my come-uppance when I had to travel the day after an evil eye-brow waxer burned my face and turned my eyebrows really red and really swollen (so I knew I looked way worse than the hoochies traveling in 4 1/2 inch heels or pajama bottoms with holes in the ass).

    However, I still judge. I can't help myself.


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